
While each division of the IRB is responsible for making decisions on different immigration or refugee matters, they all follow an administrative tribunal process similar to what happens in a court, though less formal. The IRB tribunal process is based on Canadian law, Canada’s international obligations and Canada’s humanitarian traditions.

As Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants we will glad to represent you before any of the Divisions of the IRB:

    • Refugee Protection Division: Refugee claims are assessed, and a decision will be made whether the claimant is a Convention refugees or person in need of protection.
    • Refugee Appeal Division: A refugee claim may be appealed by an unsuccessful refugee claimant no later than 15 working days after the day on which the person receives written reasons for the decision.
    • Immigration Division: These admissibility hearings determine whether a person should be allowed to enter or remain in Canada or should be ordered removed from Canada.
    • Immigration Appeal Division: There are three types of appeal:


1. Sponsorship appeals: Appeals from Canadian citizens and permanent residents whose applications to sponsor close family members have been refused.

2. Removal order appeals: Appeals from individuals who have been ordered removed from Canada.

3. Residency obligation appeals: Appeals from permanent residents regarding decisions made outside Canada on the residency obligation.


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